Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to Sports Shooting!

Back at UMaine for the year. First off was some field hockey. Maine lost in a tough game 3-2.

A couple of the images break some sports shooting rules but for me they still work

Rule 1: shoot tight-crop tighter.
You hear this a lot from sports shooters but sometimes a wider angle holds up. With the following image I like that it is backlit. The water drops around her feet add to the image. I like the dead space around her. The out of focus player in the foreground gives the image some context.

Rule 2: get the ball in the shot
You can't see the ball in this shot but the two women together create some tension and the sun setting made for some great light.

Finally one a bit more typical. Good action, the ball is there and you have some context for the shot too. I could crop it a bit tighter but I have left it so that my client can have more options with it.